If we had a chance to ask Shakespeare to be or not to be motivated, he would for sure answer “to be!” and would be completely right. Motivation is not something metaphysical. You can actually feel it when you keep doing your thing despite all doubts and prejudices. And we are certain that if you need motivation, you don’t need motivation. Funny, right? However, this is the way it works. This chapter is for those who believe in their idea and will work on it whatever it takes.
So you are motivated – check! What’s next? How not to lose motivation during your work?
Motivation turns dreams into Reality
Types of Motivation
First things first, let’s find out what types of motivation are there in order to master it like a boss.
Read more: MotivationPublic and hidden motivation
As humans we are always strongly connected with our community, whether we want it or not. And sometimes we are convinced about something or take actions without a proper understanding of “why”. Have you ever done something under the influence of social pressure? We bet you have!
Imagine, you are a sympathetic person. You are concerned about climate change. Once you were strolling around the city and encountered a massive demonstration. People were holding big posters and shouting catchy mottos. After observing them for a while you learned that they were trying to stop water pollution. So many thoughts may have appeared in your head: “Water pollution is a real problem!”, “I admire these people!”, “I wish I was as brave as them!”, “I should also start doing something that really matters!”. Inspired by their proud and confident behaviour, you started feeling an urgent need to join these activists. You imagined how good you would look in the eyes of others, although you had never thought about going to a demonstration before that day.
Ta-daam! That’s what we call public motivation. You are driven to action because this action is approved by society.
In addition to public motivation, there is a hidden one that works on your inner triggers. This is what we mean when we refer to hidden motivation. Hidden motivation can be as effective as the public one.
Imagine there is someone in your neighbourhood whom you like very much but you haven’t had the chance to meet or talk to. You know that they are an active member of a collective that organises actions on climate change. Until now you thought that a few people in your city are not enough to change something about climate change. But because of your personal interest in this person, you decide to participate in some of the collective’s actions. And suddenly you realise that taking part in such actions gives you a satisfaction you could never have imagined. If someone asked you what your motivation for joining the group was, you would find it hard to admit that it was the physical attraction of another member. You would rather tell them that you always cared for climate protection. So your initial motivation remains hidden.
Positive and negative motivation
Behind motivation to act there is always a need. But how can we determine if the need that drives us is positive or negative?
Sometimes our actions are directed towards doing good; we want to do something beautiful, something that will benefit our community. There is beauty in the world and we are motivated to spread it. However, there is also evil, ugliness, pain and injustice.
“Man is the glory and the refuse of the universe”
By Blaise Pascal, French thinker and mathematician
Humans is capable of the best, but also of the worst. Our motivation is positive when we seek beauty. Other times our motivation is negative because we fight against evil and injustice.
Let’s say that in our neighbourhood there is an abandoned public space. We have long had the idea that it would be nice to build a collective vegetable garden. The area would become greener, children and their parents would play while learning to grow plants and take care of the environment, and the vegetables that grow there could be made available for free to our less privileged neighbours. This is positive motivation.
A few weeks later, and just as we are about to get started, we learn that the state has signed a contract with a construction company that will build a massive Mall with 1500 parking spaces. We immediately realise that our neighbourhood will be flooded with cars, traffic and exhaust fumes. With our group, we are no longer fighting to create something beautiful, but to stop the plans of those few who will benefit from something ugly. That is negative motivation.
Why is it relevant to know that motivation can be both positive and negative? We usually seek the positive and avoid the negative. But when we talk about motivation for activism, both positive and negative motivation are equally useful. In activism we are not limited to a one-dimensional battle between good and evil, between positive and negative. Activism can be the force that turns the negative into positive, the bad into good.
You may ask, is that it? Only 4 types? Of course not, but you don’t need more when you begin. If you dive too deep at the start, there’s a chance that you overwhelm yourself so much that you will not want to hear anything about motivation ever. Our goal is to give you some basics. And now, when you understand different types of motivation, it’s easier for you to observe yourself and realise what drives you personally. It’s very important to find the inner trigger in order to proceed in developing any project in this world. And when you know what works for you, it’s easier to work with others.
Nevertheless, motivation is a very complex cake. Let’s eat it piece by piece!
What types of motivation have you already experienced in your life? Which triggers work for you and which ones don’t?
Role Models
Often our motivations comes from those who inspire us in our daily lives. When we think about motivation, our first association with it is inspiration.
Read more: MotivationIndeed, these two feelings stand really close to each other. For all of us our source of inspiration is very unique. But we all have something in common: we often get inspired by other people. Being inspired by someone does not mean that we admire everything about them but it means that you can learn different aspects from them.
From time to time we meet inspiring persons – teachers/professors, colleagues, ordinary people or famous personalities and celebrities. One thing connects them all – our admiration. Sometimes they do something huge and outstanding, sometimes they take very ordinary actions in extraordinary circumstances. Their stories are a source of light, empowerment and, of course, motivation. What is important is to learn from their experience and try to implement their outcomes to your current situation. But be careful: there’s a very thin line between getting motivated and getting frustrated from the results and success of other people.
However, here’s your hint – everyone fails! The most successful people in this world have gone through the biggest failures. What makes them unique is the ability to learn, observe, keep up their motivation and positive mindset (read more in Soft Skills), as well as their analytical skills, in order to prevent possible mistakes in future. The funny thing is that sometimes these “role models” can be people from your inner circle, you just have to notice them.
Who inspires you? And most importantly, why? What can you learn from them?
Read the personal experience of Marta in Fruits for Thought!
Peer Spirit
“Yes, we can learn from people our age, or even younger, who have the “same level of knowledge” or with different knowledge. Simply put: Don’t underestimate the power of your peers!
Read more: MotivationDespite all biased opinions like “youngsters don’t have enough competence”, practice shows that young people sometimes might have more experience than the most competent professionals. It’s not about age. It’s about your ability to learn and react to the challenges of your environment.
So be attentive, observe and absorb: every person is a lesson. Role models help in keeping up your motivation. Every single time you feel like you’re about to give up, just remember that there’s a person who failed and then failed again and again, but succeeded in the end.
What will help you to stand up when you fall?
How to Overcome Barriers
We are talking about motivation here, right? Then why should you think about barriers, difficulties and challenges?
Read more: MotivationFortunately or unfortunately, our world is not a fairy-tale. But as a knight of light, you have to be armed, equipped and ready for everything. We wish your activism path were a rainbow. But in case you were to turn into a dark forest full of evil creatures, you should know how to fight them.
There are some wonderful weapons called:
- Patience.
- Strategy and baby steps.
- Self-care and burn-out prevention.
One is more important than the others. Sorry, but you will have to face the difficult task of choosing…
A skill that is not always present in our lives but which we can learn over time, as it is essential in the path of an activist. Why? Let’s see!
Read more: Motivation“Patience, my dear friend, patience!” When we were a children, this is how our elders explained patience to us: you can never get everything you want at once. You have to learn to be patient. And now, ironically, We are telling you the same thing. This is something we hate about the older generation, but this is where they are disgustingly right.
We are the victims of the fast food world. “The faster, the better, we don’t have time for it!”, “Look at me, I’m 23 and I didn’t achieve anything yet!” All these thoughts can not only prevent you from feeling motivated but even make you feel depressed and undervalued. If you want a quick result, just think that to create the Mona Lisa Da Vinci took 22 years. 22 years is 192.852 hours. Can you imagine spending 192.852 hours on one activity? And our second question is, have you already spent as much time on your goal? If the answer is no, then please just keep calm and keep doing what you do.
All big things need time. This is a rule of nature. Some caterpillars can stay up to 14 years in the metamorphosis stage before they become butterflies. And a little activist also needs some time to bloom and shine. Patience is a skill you can develop and activism is a perfect teacher.
Do you think you urgently need more input on patience? You will get it from its best friend – perseverance!
Step-by-Step Strategy
Did you ever feel overwhelmed by a big task, aim or challenge? Step-by-step sounds like a solution that is too simple. So, how do you keep going? How do we not lose sight of what we want?
Read more: MotivationHere we will think about strategy. Imagine you pitched your project idea to a stakeholder. You succeeded and received a budget. Now you need to do something. BUT WHAT?? This project seems so big, way bigger than you.
Where to start and how to do it? Instead of feeling inspired you now feel on the verge of a panic attack. No worries, we are here to help you.
“If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough.”
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former president of Liberia
First of all, always remember your goal. It should be your lighthouse in dark waters. Why are you committed to it? Write it down on a piece of paper and stick it to the wall near your work desk. When you and/or your team have a clear vision of why you are working towards a goal, completing single tasks becomes much easier.
Second of all, don’t try to eat the whole elephant at once. Cut it into small pieces. We know it sounds terrible, but it works. I bet you can’t change the state law with one phone call. But you can start with a text post on social media. Build your strategy. Write down what you want to achieve in the end and then the action that goes before it. Then the other action before that, and again before and before and so on. Magically, you will end up with a clear plan, consisting of small steps that you can start working on this same day.
Do you want a very practical overview of how to make an action plan? Then take this way and read more about planning the action!
Motivation is a rare bird. Don’t lose it just because you put too much pressure on yourself. A goal, a clear plan, a realistic deadline and a group of allies will make everything possible. We believe in you!
Did you already pin your goal above your bed?
Being an activist takes work. That is why taking care of yourself and respecting your body and mental health is extremely important.
Read more: MotivationBeing an activist takes work. That is why taking care of yourself and respecting your body and mental health is extremely important. Every activist has their own story. Some of them are sad. Others might be funny and exciting. But none of them are easy. That is why it is important to take care of yourself. Even if you are the most dedicated and altruistic person in this world, you must love and respect your body and mental health.
First, you are reading this because you want to change something. Or at least you are not indifferent. And that means a lot!
Second, if you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will. This is the ugly truth. When the project starts running and everything around you explodes with great and difficult tasks, you need to stop for a moment and have a break, to realise where you’re going. Sometimes you will convince yourself that everything’s perfect and you’re going in the right direction. Sometimes you can notice that you’re actually a bit lost and you would like to have a helping hand. And sometimes you may feel really bad if you realise that you don’t want to go there anymore. ALL OF THAT IS OKAY!
And third, if you burn out, you won’t be capable of helping others anymore. And we can assume that this is the last thing you want.
You know what the best is? Self care can be learned! Have a look here to read more about resilience!
We can tell you that activism has at least three valuable benefits for your life. Curious? We bet you are!
Read more: MotivationIf we had a chance to influence an industry, we would make activism as popular as fashion brands. Why? Because it has a lot of benefits.
Yes, in other parts of this guide you find that being an activist is not easy, that it helps to mind this and that. Nevertheless, you can really take advantage of it. And here’s our “how to”, enjoy!
- Networking
We are certain that when you try to recall any project you participated in, everyone will say that the most valuable thing you “packed in your suitcase” is your community. Indeed, a magical force collects under the roof of projects, dedicated to activism, wonderful and professional people. Only this should be enough to motivate you to join one or create one. And who knows, perhaps you will encounter your best friends there?
What is also important is that most likely these people will understand you more than anyone else, just because they probably faced the same difficulties and have similar dreams. Probably they also experienced the same funny moments and you can laugh all together. - Competence
On the way from point A to point B there are a huge amount of different skills and competencies you will learn in order to accomplish your tasks. Have you noticed how you change inside when you learn something new? Now triple it! Sometimes you will be forced to understand things that you have never thought you would need to understand. For example, when we were working on this guide we did technical research about chatbots functions. Is it mandatory for an activist to know it? No, but you see, here we go! As a famous philosopher once said, “You never know, you never know…”. - Experience
What we love about our job is that you cannot predict what will happen to you next month. Some of us had to change their home, others travelled for two months non-stop and spent only two days with their families. We celebrate our birthdays during projects, we get engaged during work meetings, we find new friends, we move from being strangers to partners, we start up wonderful collaborations, we help people, we issue a magazine, we change society, we make this world a bit better than it was. And we don’t stop!
What can we say as a conclusion? With all this, we wanted to help you turn your little spark into a burning flame. We hope you can understand a bit better what you are going to experience. To be honest, we are a little jealous because we have already gone through some things, but for you it’s all new and exciting. Remember, it’s okay to worry. It’s okay to do something imperfectly. And it’s completely okay to be afraid. We all are!